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California Telephone harassment Attorney
Debt Collectors will stop at nothing to make you pay back a debt. Steve knows how to protect you and your loved ones from these harassing tactics.
Debt Collection Lawsuits San Diego
Debt Collection companies count on you not responding. Steve is here to help and will take your case for no upfront attorneys fees.
Our service members have special laws when it comes to debt collections. Steve Recordon knows these laws and how collectors violate them.
Legal Aid for debt collection violations
The Legal Aid Society of San Diego featured Steve Recordon for his expertise in handling unfair debt collection practices.


Consumer Attorney Stephen G. Recordon

A Debt Attorney for the people

steve-recordon-consumer-attorney Mr. Recordon is a highly skilled FDCPA attorney, protecting consumers, including members of our military against illegal debt collection practices.

Steve prides himself on putting a stop to illegal telephone harassment and debt collection lawsuits served on debts that are too old to collect.


You need a debt collection lawyer who understands your financial situation.

If you are being sued by a debt collector or have been a victim of debt collector harassment he is here to help you.

In many cases, Mr. Recordon can take your case for no up-front Attorney’s fees; collecting this fees from the debt collector instead of his client. In some cases, he has been able to not only relieve his clients of the alleged debt, but also collect money damages for them.


Contact Steve Recordon today for a free no-obligation review of your case 619-236-1223